Family Holiday Literacy Activities

The holidays are a time for family, friends, and giving. It can also a time for learning and growth. This is the perfect time for parents (of elementary students especially) to pause and consider strategies to boost literacy this holiday season. Before we get to the strategies, click here to join the community and receive more education hot topics.


Let’s talk about practical ways to make the most of literacy learning at home.

1. Read aloud together

Reading aloud is a great way to introduce children to new stories. It also helps them develop their listening comprehension skills. Strong listening comprehension skills strengthen reading fluency and reading comprehension. Click here for holiday literacy activities that are age-appropriate and that you and your child will enjoy. Make reading aloud a special time of day, and encourage your child to ask questions and talk about the story.

2. Visit the library

The library is a great place to find books, movies, and other materials that can help boost literacy. Again, strong listening comprehension skills strengthen reading fluency and reading comprehension. Many libraries offer story time programs, book clubs, and other activities that are perfect for families. Group literacy activities can be fun as readers learn from their peers through engagement and observation.

3. Make your own books

There are many ways to make your own books. You can use construction paper, markers, and crayons to create simple books. You can also cut out pictures from magazines and newspapers to create more elaborate books. Making your own books is a creative way to encourage children to read and write. Sharing your own books with family and friends during holiday break adds fun and anticipation.

4. Play literacy games

There are many literacy games that you can play with your children. Some popular games include:

  • I Spy: This game helps children develop vocabulary and visual discrimination skills.

  • Charades: This game helps children develop reading comprehension and acting skills.

  • Alphabet Bingo: This game helps children learn the alphabet and letter sounds.

  • Sight Word Scavenger Hunt: This game helps children learn sight words.

5. Write letters to Santa

Writing letters to Santa is a fun way for children to practice their English language arts skills. In addition to writing, children practice listening, phonics, reading, and comprehension skills. A simple writing prompt is tell Santa what you want for Christmas. It may be a good idea to close this holiday literacy activity by decorating the envelope and addressing it to Santa.


These are just a few strategies to boost literacy during the holidays. There are many other ways to make literacy fun and engaging for children. The most important thing is to make it a priority to read, write, and play with your children throughout the year. School may be cancelled, but learning is never cancelled.

Consider additional tips for boosting literacy during the holidays:

  • Make sure that reading materials are accessible to children. Keep them in a central location and easy to find.

  • Set a good example by reading regularly yourself. Let children see you enjoying books and reading for pleasure.

  • Be patient and encouraging. Don't get discouraged if your child is less than excited about reading or writing right now. Just keep providing opportunities to practice.

The holidays are a special time of year, and they can be a great time to boost literacy. By following the literacy strategies in this article, you can help students develop a love of reading and writing that will last a lifetime.

Click here to download holiday literacy activities.

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