Start The School Year Strong

Another summer has come and gone. Now, it's time to get children back into their school routines. 

It's easy for both you and your child to look at the situation as a dreaded time, but if you prepare properly in advance, you and your child will be set up for success in the new school year.


Actionable Goals

Take time to sit down and talk about the upcoming school year and what goals they want to achieve. Work together to create long-term goals and short-term goals. Set soft deadlines for those goals. For example, set a goal to make a new friend by the end of the year, learn ten new vocabulary words, or read a new book during the school year.

Once goals are set, write them down, and consider posting them in a place where the entire family can easily see and access them. Then, once a goal is complete, mark it off and celebrate. 

Back-to-School To-dos

The first few weeks of school can be pretty hectic. The last thing you want is to get to the first day of school and realize critical items on the back-to-school list are incomplete. 

Here are a few reminders:

  • Transportation: Is your child a bus rider? If so, what’s this year’s bus number? If carpooling, what’s the schedule? If children will walk to school, which route?

  • Healthcare: What medical conditions and medications does the classroom teacher need to know about? Are required shots and physicals on record at school? Do children have the materials necessary for COVID precautions?

  • After-school care: Will someone be home when children arrive from school? Will they attend an after-school program or daycare? Are required forms complete and submitted?

  • School registration: Is your child attending a brand new school? Are there different registration requirements? Do you have school calendars and class schedules?


Renewed Routines

The best way to make the most of back-to-school season is to establish routines. Now is the time to adjust bedtimes. We want to help children adjust to waking up earlier, eating breakfast, and preparing to enter the learning environment. Discussions about time management teach students to get the most out of homework times, extracurricular activities, and home life. This is an excellent time for parents to make become familiar with new routines as well.

Open House

It is so crucial for parents to attend Open House to meet teachers and understand new expectations; school routines and procedures may change from week to term to year. Open House is also an opportunity to address concerns and experience children’s learning environments. 


We all remember the first days of school: worried about what you’ll wear, what teachers and classes will be like, how you’ll make new friends. Back-to-school season can be nerve-racking at any age.


Daily affirmations are one way to help children feel confident throughout the year. Helping children recognize they’re part of a community makes them open to learning. A reassuring word from a parent helps. Tensions subside when parent affirm everything will be just fine.

If you’re ready to work with a professional to improve performance and increase confidence, schedule a phone consult to discuss challenges and goals.

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